
In wellness, holistic pretty much means “whole.” It means that many different systems in your body, as well as your environment, beliefs, emotions and experiences, may be informing what’s happening physiologically. A holistic approach to wellbeing seeks to not only provide short term relief but also identify the root causes and contributors to a symptom or issue, allowing for long-term resolution.

Similarly, the different aspects of a small business–the work itself, the finances, the employees, the marketing or sales, and even your personal happiness and wellbeing–are all interconnected. To be able to improve or optimize one area requires examining the whole.

Through my extensive backgrounds in both business operations and wellness, I have dual passions of working as a holistic wellness practitioner and as a business coach for small business owners. I am excited about supporting and empowering clients who are open to change and success, whether in their health or in the health of their business. 

Whether you’re looking to improve your health or need support in managing your small business–or both–I invite you to look around the website and reach out with any questions. I look forward to chatting with you about how I can be of help!





In 2012, I was working as the Director of Operations at a Silicon Valley biotech start up. I was so passionate about our mission, and so dedicated to my work, that I had been paying very little attention to my quality of life–and after a few years, this tunnel vision had taken a toll on my health.

When start-up burnout turned out to be a stress-induced autoimmune condition, I began exploring how to work in a way that was both gratifying and sustainable — how could i work hard while practicing the self care my body now demanded? I started learning about alternative medicine to heal my body but found it just as profoundly transformative for my personal growth and professional direction.

I’ve been working in holistic wellness since 2013 and ultimately married my dual professional passions, offering remote and in-person nutrition and wellness services as well as business coaching and consulting for wellness (and wellness-adjacent) practitioners and small business owners.

After nearly a decade in the Bay Area I now call Los Angeles home. Outside of my work, I am passionate about personal growth, intersectionality, joyful movement, social justice, restorative yoga, comedy, cassette tapes and my community. You can find me at a farmers market, reading in coffee shops, cooking, watching too much tv, petting every dog and smiling at passersby.

Business Coaching & Consulting

Building and managing a business, especially when you’re doing it on your own, can be overwhelming. Energy that could be invested in achieving your unique vision is often spent navigating the realities of owning a business; things like managing staff, balancing the books, or figuring out how to get more social media exposure are probably not the reason you built your company or practice!

My knowledge of logistical steps to be taken and milestones to be reached pairs with my ability to determine how to best support and motivate people. I can help you identify areas where you would benefit from support, develop strategies to move toward meeting your goals, and provide guidance and accountability for implementing changes–all while keeping you aligned with your values!

In addition to personal and professional goal setting (including work/life balance), areas of expertise include:

Business Operations
– A holistic approach to project management
– Fiscal support, from assessment to rehabilitation
– Implementation of new or improvement of existing systems

Human Resources
– Management coaching
– People management
– Full life cycle recruiting
– Employee onboarding and training
– Review of compensation structures

Sales and Marketing
– Website usability
– Brand management
– Social media content development and strategy
– Targeted sales and marketing guidance based on a niche knowledge of wellness modalities, concepts, and products

I work primarily with small business owners in wellness-adjacent fields, offering sessions both remotely and in person in the Los Angeles area. Get more information on my FAQ page!


Wondering if working together is right for you? Ready to get started but want to make sure it’s a good fit? Let’s begin with an exploratory call! Fill out the contact form below to schedule your complimentary 30-minute consultation.